Free resources

One of the fundamental principles of ADS is to build evidence-based practical ways of working with people living with dementia and their families that enables them to live well, one of the ways we do this is in the production of education materials that you can deliver to staff within your own organisation.

Stand by Me an online learning tool

This is an e-learning resource which is available free of charge, which aims to support the development of good communications skills for staff working with people living with dementia. It is made up of a number of scenarios, so organisations and individuals select the ones that they wish to do, along with the mandatory modules in order to achieve a certificate of completion. The instructions for accessing are on the webpage.

Cultural competency training resource

This resource was created for Training and Quality Managers in domiciliary care organisations to provide education for their staff. It is made up of three 90 minute teaching sessions. Whilst aimed at domiciliary care it is suitable for use in other settings. You and your training department are welcome to use these resources. This is a model of training package that we are frequently asked to provide for care organisations so that they can train their own staff with it, following a short course to train staff in the delivery of it.

Care Fit for VIPS tool 

This free online tool allows you to self-assess your services and includes signposting to resources for areas of the audit that you wish to do improvements. 

Environmental Assessment tools

These assessment tools, originally developed by The King's Fund in 2014 and updated by the Association for Dementia Studies in 2020, can be downloaded via the link above. We are able to support the use of the tool and provide consultancy in this field. For example, we have worked with organisations to create organisational dementia friendly environment standards.