PGCE Regional Training Hubs
You can apply to study a University of Worcester PGCE with one of our partner Regional Training Hubs, these are networks of schools working together to train teachers.
When you apply through a Regional Training Hub you will do a mix of training at their sites and at the University of Worcester. The Hub will organise your placements within their network of schools and you'll receive support from experienced teachers and University tutors.
When you successfully complete the postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) you receive an academic award from the University of Worcester. You’ll also be recommended for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), which means you will be recognised by the Teaching Regulation Agency as a fully qualified teacher.
PGCE Primary Regional Training Hubs
PGCE Secondary Regional Training Hubs
Regional Training Hub leads and the staff within hubs work closely with our PGCE staff to ensure that all content is aligned and of the same high quality. Leads across the partnership meet regularly with the PGCE team to review trainee progress, undertake joint moderation visits and discuss course developments.
Regional Training Hub Plus Partners
A Regional Training Hub Plus (RTH+) is a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) or group of schools that work closely in partnership with the University of Worcester. Each RTH+ has a designated training site, where the entire PGCE course can take place. The University of Worcester curriculum for QTS, will be delivered by registered school colleagues, with academic writing content and sessions delivered by University of Worcester tutors.
Each RTH+ has a Leader who will facilitate the delivery of these sessions and work with their local schools to source and organise placements. As a trainee, you'll access your PGCE at a local setting, so you'll know the range of schools that you can be placed in.
Trainees who choose to study at an RTH+ have support from the RTH+ Lead whilst on the course alongside a named Personal Academic Tutor from the university. During placement, support continues to be available from school mentors, the RTH+ Lead and Lead Mentors.
Throughout your study you are a member of the University of Worcester and Students’ Union. You can access to support from wider university services, such as Firstpoint, Disability and Dyslexia Services and physical and virtual access to the Hive Library Resources, and the PGCE course team.