Improving Academic Performance

Improving Academic Performance

There are a number of steps you can take in order to improve your academic performance and move from a fail grade to a pass grade.

Steps to success:

Step 1
Read the feedback on the piece of work that you submitted. This will usually inform you of the areas that you need to improve.

Step 2
If you haven’t got access to the piece of work that you submitted try and recall what you wrote, how you wrote it and mentally compare that with other similar pieces of work that you have passed. Think about their similarities and differences. This should help you to identify the areas that you need to improve.

Step 3
Refer to the module handbook and the scoring/assessment criteria for the piece of work. Make a note of the things that you omitted or did that prevented you from achieving a pass. e.g. was the work presented in the required format? Did you include a reference list? Did you demonstrate a wide range or reading and knowledge, etc.

Step 4
Refer to the on-line reassessment resources and the study skills advice sheets when planning your re-assessment assignment. The following on-line re-assessment resources are available to read or download from the reassessment section of the study skills webpage that you can access via your SOLE page:

  • Managing time
  • Exam and revision strategies
  • Using feedback to improve your grades
  • Improving your written work
  • Refresh your referencing

Make sure that you follow any guidelines that you have been given when planning and structuring your report or essay and make sure that you use the correct referencing scheme for your subject. After you have completed the report or essay use the scoring/assessment criteria as a checklist, ensuring that you have included everything required to achieve a grade of pass or above. If you haven’t you will need to make changes to your work: if you don’t you will fail again!

Remember, failing an assignment or module doesn’t mean that you will fail another, or that you will struggle with the rest of your course. However, it is crucial that you learn from your experience and use the steps suggested here each time you submit work in order to ensure success.