Visiting Lecturers

Visiting Lecturers

Where an individual has knowledge or skills that would be beneficial on a one-off basis to a student group, such as delivering a guest lecture or demonstrating a key piece of equipment or technique, then they may be engaged on the basis of being a Visiting Lecturer.

The individual will not become an employee of the University and will not be given any system access such as that given to employees or associate staff. The individual will need to claim for the work completed after using a Visiting Lecturer claim form.

If a Visiting Lecturer is to be used for more than 3 sessions in any given year, then the following test will need to be followed in order to ensure they are not acting as employee of the University.

If you have identified a need for an individual to provide services to the University more than 3 times in a year, then they will need to be appointed as an Hourly Paid Lecturer (HPL) instead.

More information on establishing the employment status of a Visiting Lecturer can be found on the Finance pages here